Greater clarity for our students is called for as they return to school

Head lineswith Dennis Richards

Dennis Richards column (Photo: Adrain Murray)

Retired headmaster Dennis Richards continuesto study today’s important education topics

Give students a chance

Our schools return to the classroom in the most difficult and uncertain times imaginable.

Back to the classroom

Uncertainty surrounds us. At least there is some clarity in relation to schools. Both political parties seem committed to keeping our schools and universities open, almost at all costs. That much appears certain.

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Recognising status of teachers

Thankfully, at the same time, they appear to be recognising that they will need to elevate the status of our teachers, to be key workers on a par with the NHS.

More on the spot testing, more protection, more investment and absolutely clear guidance on masks for older students. This is also the moment for some clear decisive action on next year’s exam process.

Teachers, unlike some politicians, understand that the exam system is primarily designed to determine a student’s progression to the next appropriate stage of his or her education.

How politicians see exams

Politicians seem to prefer to see the exams system as a means of forcing students and schools into some form of crude rank order. Hence much talk of the need to avoid the dreaded “grade inflation”. As that sentiment drove the exams fiasco last year, there’s every hope it will not return to haunt us again next summer.