Burnley vets unite for parasite-free summer for pets

Stanley House, Shuttleworth and Oatmount Vets are offering advice on treating pets for ticks, lungworm or roundworms this summer. (s)Stanley House, Shuttleworth and Oatmount Vets are offering advice on treating pets for ticks, lungworm or roundworms this summer. (s)
Stanley House, Shuttleworth and Oatmount Vets are offering advice on treating pets for ticks, lungworm or roundworms this summer. (s)
Burnley vets are uniting for a Pet Parasite Action campaign this summer.

For advice about treating pets for ticks, lungworm or roundworms, residents can contact Stanley House, Shuttleworth or Oatmount Vets or visit www.petparasiteaction.co.uk

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